Martina Paukova

I am a Slovak illustrator living and working in Berlin.
Let's work together 💍


Apple/ YouTube/ Kickstarter/ CNN/ Google/ Hermes France/ Pull & Bear/ Brummell Mag/ The Economist/ ICON Mag/ New Yorker/ Johnson & Johnson/ IKEA Indonesia/ Cannes Lions Festival 2016/ The Sunday Times/ Audi/ Wharton Magazine/ Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls 1,2/ MIT Technology Review/ Brain&Life Mag/ Haagen Dasz Japan/ Riposte Magazine/ ASOS/ 25hours Hotels/ Guardian Newspaper/ Washington Post/ Die Zeit/ Independent Newspaper/ Refinery29/ University of the Arts London/ ISETAN Shinjuku Department Store/ Converse/ VANS/ The New York Times/ Fast Company Mag/ Wired Mag Italy/ Wired Mag/ Mondadori Publishing/ IL Magazine Italy/ Hohe Luft Mag/ National Express Magazine/ Economia Magazine/ Bloomberg Businessweek Mag/ It’s Nice That/ Blueprint Magazine/ Beyond by LEXUS Magazine/ Modus Magazine/ Architects Journal/ Protein Journal/ Scouting Magazine/ Men’s Health/ Open University/ Campaign Magazine/ Observer Mag/ John Hopkins Health Review/ Capital Magazine/ Double Dot Mag/ InTRANSIT Festival 2015/ Saraiva Magazine/ GRID Magazine/ Taste Magazine/ Courier Magazine/ VEIN Magazine/ Adobe's 99U/ AIGA Eye on Design Magazine/ Zlin Design Week/ Onward Magazine/ Brigitte Mom Magazine/ On Office Magazine/ The Globe & Mail Newspaper/ NYLON Magazine/ Rosnicka Festiva 2017/ OkCupid/ Eltern Family Mag/ Lyra Magazine/ D2 Magazine/ Buddhist Insights/ American Patent and Trademark Office/ Companion Magazine/ Jacobin Mag/ Institutional Investor Mag/ Easyjet's Traveller's Magazine/ So Young Magazine/ Healthy Living Magazine/ Neue Narrative Magazine/ The Verge podcast by VOX/ The Autostadt Magazin/ Healthy Living Magazine/ Backstage Talks Magazine/ Harward Business Review + GumGum/ Clean Your Dirty Face/ Everpress/ TEDxPragueWomen/ Barra Chocolate/ Ambiente Restaurants/ Jon Hopkins Health Review/ Anymade Studio